Saturday, January 5, 2013


The walk out past Abbott's Lagoon to the ocean's edge takes a while. There's green pastureland, a herd of Black Angus cattle, and a handful of deer grazing at a safe distance. We cross a small bridge and  to our right the lagoon takes shape and widens. Shore birds fish patiently along the marshy edge and diving ducks bobble on the surface; coots and scoters. As we crest the dune that separates the lagoon from the Pacific Ocean, hundreds of sea gulls lift from the beach and fill the sky, wings flashing white and turning. It is as if the foam itself,  scattering as the waves crest, has lifted off and taken to the sky.


  1. Beautiful lines in those wings. So beautiful I could almost cry. And then your words. I love the words fully as much as the image. As if your words, scattering as the waves crest, have lifted off and taken to the sky.

  2. Kendall has directed me to your blog. With her usual dependable insight, she has realized that I would relate to your words and images. I do, and I am glad I came. Love the seagull and foam. I think seagulls are generally underrated. Probably pelicans are too, but not by me. Love the freedom of your watercolor sketches. I can feel your pleasure in the medium. So glad you now have time to realize and share these gifts.
