Sunday, December 29, 2013

Year's End

Pale gold and crumbling with crust 
mottled dark, almost bronze,
pieces of honeycomb lie on a plate.
Flecked with the pale paper
of hive, their hexagonal cells
leak into the deepening pool
of amber. On your lips,
against palate, tooth and tongue,
the viscous sugar squeezes
from its chambers, sears sweetness
into your throat until you chew
pulp and wax from a blue city
of bees. Between your teeth
is the blown flower and the flower's
seed. Passport pages stamped
and turning. Death's officious hum.
Both the candle and its anther
of flame. Your own yellow hunger.
Never say you can't take
this world into your mouth.
By Paulann Petersen        
Source: Poetry (July 2001).

Saturday, December 28, 2013

California's Feather River

Bobelaine Audubon Sanctuary
A walk in a wildlife sanctuary alongside the Feather River just north of Sacramento yielded bird life and views. We saw a Great Blue Heron, raptors floating overhead in a clear winter sky, Turkey Vultures circling, and smaller birdlife in the brush and shrubs. California Oaks and stands of white barked trees reflected the sunlight. The air was dry and along the path there were deer and coyote tracks in the sandy loam. This 430 acre area is a small remnant of the riparian forests that once existed for miles on either side of the rivers in the Great Central Valley of California.   

Friday, December 13, 2013

Each Day

Morning Blessing
Every day look on the world with wide and grateful eyes.
Every day allow yourself to be touched with delight. 
Let go of what is harsh and harmful.
Remember each day's good.
Speak carefully and with kindness always.
Celebrate the particular mystery and intent of each day.
Offer your unique gifts. The world needs them.
Manifest the peace that is possible every day.
Love with awareness, wholeheartedly.
Each day bow and bless,
Forgive and love,
Surrender and praise.

Based on a reading by Mary Harrington

Thursday, December 12, 2013


"Through All That Happens"  
Letters to a Young Poet
As you unfold as an artist, just keep on, quietly and earnestly, growing through all that happens to you. You cannot disrupt this process more violently than by looking outside yourself for answers that may only be found by attending to your innermost feeling.